Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Create a Free Logo for your website or blog

In this video you learn how to create a free logo for your website or blog. The free design software at www.LogoVictory.com allows you to create and download a logo for your website or blog, free using a template driven system. This video walks a user through the various tools of the design editor so that it is easy to use and create a logo. http://www.LogoVictory.com
You can add pictures, text and other shapes for best look of your logo.
How can we give it away for free? Simple, if you create a logo and download your jpeg for free, we are fine with that and thousands of people have already done it. But some people ask to create a profiessional .eps file for them from their design. They charge $50 for this. Other people ask her to put their logo on letterhead or signs or stickers. They like this as well. But the bottom line is simple, if you want a hassle-free logo at no cost, then use do-it-yourself system and have fun creating a great logo and have fun with it!

1 comment:

  1. Rahim… Great article! Well written and one of the most comprehensive I have seen on the net. Keep up the good work!

